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Population Characteristics

To formulate present and future development programmes, the district needs to know the size, quality, distribution and growth of its population. Population censuses are the main sources of demographic data in general and information on population size, distribution and growth rate in particular. Other sources may include various surveys, Birth and Death Registration and Administrative Records.

Population size, Growth and Fertility

The 2002 Population Census Final Results put Buikwe (as County)’s Population at 329,858 Persons, having 162,931 males and 166,927 females. However, the mid 2011 Sub National projections report of the central region (2008-2012) indicate that Buikwe’s population is 407,100 with 200200 males and 206,900 females.


Other Demographic Comparatives                             


Buikwe District

Central Region


Population density

256 people per km2

175.7 people per km2

124 people per km2

Annual Growth Rate


2.6 %

3.3 %

Urbanization level


25 %

12 %

Orphans (Less than 18    years)









Population Distribution

The distribution of a population by age and sex is among the basic types of information needed for planning. Analysis of educational requirements, labour force projections, household composition and migration for example, would not be complete without considering information on age and sex. Sex and age composition of a population has significant implications for the reproductive potential, human resource, school attendance, family formation, health care and other service delivery in general.

Population Density

Population density refers to the number of people per square kilometer. Buikwe district has an area of 4,974 sq.km. Therefore the population density was 256 persons per sq.km of land in 2002.

Urbanisation rates and levels

Urbanization is defined as the increase in the proportion of the population leaving in the urban area. However the definition of urban areas has been changing over time. The 2002 census defined urban areas as only the gazetted one while the earlier censuses included un-gazetted urban centers with more than 1,000 people as part of the urban population.

Percentage of Persons with Disabilities

According to 2002 Population and Housing Census, disability was defined as any difficult in moving, seeing, hearing, speaking and any mental learning difficult, which has lasted or was expected to last for six months or more. In the case of Uganda, cases epilepsy and rheumatism are classified as disabilities. However 3% are disabled in Buikwe district.